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Environmental & Renewable Energy Tenders in the UK

Environmental Consultancy/ Environmental Monitoring/ Photovoltaic/ Solar/ Wind Turbine/ Hydro/ Energy Efficiency/ Renewable Energy Tenders

You have 352 matching Tenders. To view further information on a Tender please Register for Free.

Date Published Title of tender Type of Tender Deadline Date
11/03/2025 Environmental Services High 01/04/2025
11/03/2025 Procurement / Contract Management Consultancy High 11/04/2025
11/03/2025 Environmental Consultancy - Famework High 08/04/2025
11/03/2025 Rapid Assessment Services High 19/03/2025
11/03/2025 Environmental Acoustic Barrier - Prior Information Notice PinLow 18/03/2025
11/03/2025 Grazing Services Low 21/03/2025
11/03/2025 Marine conservation management Low 24/03/2025
10/03/2025 Flood Defence Design Services High 14/04/2025
10/03/2025 Carbon Credits Survey - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 05/04/2025
10/03/2025 Solar PV Panels Low 07/04/2025
10/03/2025 Environmental Survey Services Low 04/04/2025
10/03/2025 Ecological Consultancy Services Low 28/04/2025
10/03/2025 Grazing Services Low 21/03/2025
10/03/2025 Equine / Grazing Licence Low 21/03/2025
10/03/2025 Grazing Low 21/03/2025
10/03/2025 Monitoring Services High 10/04/2025
07/03/2025 Acoustic Signal Transmitting Tags Low 21/03/2025
07/03/2025 Peatland Restoration Works Low 31/03/2025
07/03/2025 Land Monitoring and Management - Market Engagement Event PinHigh 14/03/2025
07/03/2025 Phosphate Mitigation Wetland Scheme - Market Engagement Event PinLow 28/03/2025
07/03/2025 Restoring peatland habitat Low 31/03/2025
07/03/2025 Fibre Path High 08/04/2025
07/03/2025 Land Assembly & Consenting - Periodic indicative notice PinHigh 21/03/2025
07/03/2025 Solar Car Park Canopies Low 27/03/2025
06/03/2025 Woodland Carbon Code & Peatland Code Validation - Prior information notice PinHigh 21/03/2025
06/03/2025 Environmental Health Officer Recruitment - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 14/03/2025
06/03/2025 Cultural Heritage Studies Low 01/04/2025
06/03/2025 Wind Energy Development - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 01/04/2025
06/03/2025 Improvement Action Process - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 19/03/2025
06/03/2025 Peatland Restoration Works Low 24/03/2025
05/03/2025 Solar Design & Installation Low 04/04/2025
05/03/2025 Environmental Impact Assessment Services Low 31/03/2025
05/03/2025 Habitat Improvements High 01/04/2025
05/03/2025 Energy Scheme Upgrade - Prior information notice PinHigh 20/03/2025
05/03/2025 Environmental Surveys High 17/03/2025
05/03/2025 Water Quality Survey High 18/03/2025
05/03/2025 Monitoring Programme Development Low 31/03/2025
04/03/2025 Environmental Consultancy Services - Framework Low 24/03/2025
04/03/2025 Climate Consultancy Services Low 04/04/2025
04/03/2025 Environmental Consultancy Services High 31/03/2025
04/03/2025 Environmental Consultancy Services High 17/03/2025
04/03/2025 Heat Network Technical Assurance Scheme Operation - Preliminary market engagement PinHigh 17/04/2025
04/03/2025 Peatland Restoration Works Low 24/03/2025
04/03/2025 Peatland Restoration Works Low 28/03/2025
04/03/2025 Peatland Works Low 26/03/2025
03/03/2025 Livestock Management Service - Preliminary market engagement PinHigh 28/03/2025
03/03/2025 River & floodplain Restoration Low 07/04/2025
01/03/2025 Offshore Wind Farm Low 14/03/2025
28/02/2025 Planning Support High 25/03/2025
28/02/2025 Peatland Works Low 24/03/2025
28/02/2025 Peatland Restoration Works Low 24/03/2025
28/02/2025 Peatland Restoration Low 24/03/2025
28/02/2025 Peatland Action Works Low 28/03/2025
28/02/2025 Feasibility and Design Low 25/03/2025
28/02/2025 Supply and installation of solar panels Low 21/03/2025
27/02/2025 Hydrology & Hydrogeology Services Low 26/03/2025
27/02/2025 Decarbonisation Project Low 14/03/2025
27/02/2025 Office Equipment and Furniture (Nigeria) Low 24/03/2025
27/02/2025 Landscaping for green areas - Framework Low 17/03/2025
27/02/2025 Warm Homes Programme for Social Housing Low 21/03/2025
26/02/2025 Measurements on concentrations of PM2.5 - Prior information notice PinLow 27/03/2025
26/02/2025 Landscaping work for roads and motorways Low 17/03/2025
26/02/2025 Multispectral Imaging Services Low 27/03/2025
26/02/2025 Environment & Biodiversity Programme PinLow 24/03/2025
26/02/2025 Ecological Survey Low 21/03/2025
26/02/2025 Technical Support Services High 31/03/2025
25/02/2025 Marine engineering consultancy services High 27/03/2025
25/02/2025 Low-carbon heat network - Soft Market Testing PinHigh 24/03/2025
25/02/2025 Transport systems consultancy services Low 17/03/2025
25/02/2025 Consultancy Services High 28/03/2025
25/02/2025 Engineering & Environmental Consultancy - Framework High 27/03/2025
25/02/2025 Architectural Services - Framework High 11/04/2025
25/02/2025 Technical & Professional Services - Qualification System High 25/02/2028
25/02/2025 Habitat and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments Low 24/03/2025
24/02/2025 Air quality management High 21/03/2025
24/02/2025 Solar PV Low 02/04/2025
24/02/2025 Net Zero Projects Low 28/02/2029
24/02/2025 Ad-Hoc Call Outs & Surveys Low 24/03/2025
24/02/2025 Agricultural analyst services Low 19/03/2025
24/02/2025 Environmental Services High 20/03/2025
24/02/2025 Technical / Project Management Services High 28/03/2025
21/02/2025 Utility broker responsible for sourcing and securing fixed supply of electricity or gas for over 200 residential properties. High 24/03/2025
21/02/2025 Provide Contract Administrator, Principal Designer and (optionally) Clerk of Works services High 27/03/2025
21/02/2025 Framework High 01/04/2025
21/02/2025 Minor Works Minor Works expected to be in the range £1 to £2M for each call-off. High 31/01/2029
21/02/2025 Professional Services Consultancy - Divided into Lots High 31/01/2029
21/02/2025 Supply only of Marine Solar Panels on remote, unmanned stations, vessels and buoys High 08/04/2025
21/02/2025 Seeking to appoint service providers for the provision of the Framework. This framework covers the delivery of energy efficiency services High 07/04/2025
21/02/2025 Compliance Testing of Fire Doors High 24/03/2025
21/02/2025 Environmental Toxicology Advisory Service (ETAS) - Prior Information Notice PinLow 14/03/2025
21/02/2025 Energy-efficiency consultancy for retrofit High 25/03/2025
21/02/2025 Drainage Technical Engineering Low 14/03/2025
21/02/2025 Research Relating to Coastal Erosion - RFI PinLow 13/03/2025
21/02/2025 Harbour / Pier Maintenance Works Low 21/03/2025
21/02/2025 Solar Panel Repairs & Maintenance High 24/03/2025
21/02/2025 Solar PV Low 07/05/2025
21/02/2025 Energy Regulatory Justification - Framework High 02/05/2025
21/02/2025 Survey Soil Sampling and Assessment High 31/03/2025
21/02/2025 Water Supply provider. Consumption is just over 100,650 CUM High 21/03/2025
21/02/2025 External consultancy to support the delivery of its regeneration programme High 24/03/2025
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Why choose us for Renewable Energy Tenders UK?

Here at B2B Quote Tenders, we source Renewable Energy contracts for Tender in the UK, helping businesses operating in the Renewable Energy sector to secure new business. project work. From Solar Power and Wind Turbine Tenders to Energy Efficiency and Environmental Consultancy Tenders, we’re here to help you find new work relevant to your industry so you can continue to grow your business.

Our Tender sourcing team works tirelessly to find new Tender opportunities each day, so you’re kept in the loop with new project work and can stay ahead of the game. You can register to our Tender Alert Service for free and start receiving twice daily notifications which alert you when new Renewable Energy Tenders go live. You can filter the results by location and sector to ensure you’re being notified of the most relevant work opportunities. 

Why not create an account with us today and try our Tender Alert Service out for yourself? You can take a look at our 'How it Works' page to understand more about what’s involved or find out more about the services we offer by getting in touch.

Energy Tenders FAQs

What is a Renewable Energy Tender?

A Renewable Energy Tender is a type of Tender for renewable energy source projects, including Solar, Wind Turbine, Environmental and Energy Efficiency. Tendering in Renewable Energy is a competitive process which tends to be organised by the public sector. authorities - it sees Buyers inviting contractors to bid for work within the renewable energy sector.

What is the Tendering process?

The Tendering process involves a Buyer inviting businesses in the relevant sector to bid for work and fulfil the brief. set. The successful bidder will secure a contract and must complete the project work as planned, following the Tendering documentation.

How to get Tenders for Renewable Energy projects

We’ve made the process of finding Renewable Energy Tenders in the UK easy. Simply sign up to our Tender Alert Service, create an account for your business and refine the results by region or category to start accessing Tenders for Renewable Energy projects. 

How to write winning Tenders

Looking for Tenders for renewable energy projects but not sure how to win with your bid? Here are some tips to help you start winning Tenders and stay ahead of the competition:


Looking for support in Tender writing to win Tenders for renewable energy projects? We can help! Here at B2B Quote Tenders, we offer Tender writing training courses for both those who are new to the Tender writing process, with an introductory course and an advanced course for those who are experienced. Please get in touch to learn more about how we can support you. 

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